In 2010, the New York State Legislature passed the "Dignity for All Students Act," also referred to as "DASA," to address issues related to harassment and discrimination in schools. The goal of DASA is to provide public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying, on school property, a school bus, or at a school function.
The law became effective in 2012 and requires schools to take steps to ensure that their environment is conducive to learning and allows students to feel comfortable, safe, and secure. Brockport Central School District continues to strive to provide a safe and secure learning environment for its students and has taken the steps necessary to implement this new law.
If you need to report an alleged bullying or harassment incident please complete the reporting form for the specific building by clicking below. You will be redirected to an online form that will be automatically emailed to the supervisor noted for the building.
Q: Who is protected under the Dignity for All Students Act?
A: The Act provides protection for all public elementary and secondary school students. The Act prohibits the harassment of students by school personnel and students; it also prohibits discrimination against students for any reason.
Q: Does the Act address bullying and hazing?
A: Bullying and hazing are both considered harassment and/or discrimination and are prohibited by the Act. School personnel must be trained in recognizing and preventing these behaviors.
Q: What physical spaces are covered under the Act?
A: The Dignity for All Students Act covers conduct on school property, including athletic fields, school buses, playgrounds, and parking lots, in school buildings and classrooms, and at school-sponsored events and activities, such as dances and athletic competitions.
Q: Did Brockport have an anti-bullying program prior to the Dignity for All Students Act?
A: Yes. Brockport has several programs in place, including the Safe School Ambassadors Program, the Student Assistance Program, and asset building activities, which were designed to combat bullying of students. However, bullying in the schools has been an ongoing, nationwide problem. The pervasiveness of bullying and some extreme examples of bullying which have led to student suicides have increased social awareness of bullying and led to the introduction of this law. The DASA requirements are not meant to replace existing program; rather, they are intended to provide a more comprehensive structure for anti-bullying programs and to increase training for staff and students to identify and prevent bullying in the schools.
Q: How does the Dignity for All Students Act relate to a school's Code of Conduct?
A: The Code of Conduct must be amended, by law, to reflect the prohibition of discrimination and harassment of students by students or school personnel.
Q: Does the Act require any training?
A: Yes, the Dignity for All Students Act requires schools to provide training to all employees to increase awareness of and sensitivity to discrimination and harassment in schools and to achieve civility in the schools among all people, staff and students alike.
The DASA Supervisor at Ginther School is Kelly Keenan, Assistant Principal.
The DASA Supervisor at Barclay School is Alana Roberts, Assistant Principal.
The DASA Supervisor at Hill School is Jeannine Limbeck, Assistant Principal.
The DASA Supervisor at Oliver Middle School is Michelle Guerrieri, Assistant Principal.
The DASA Supervisor for the High School is David Iacchetta, High School Assistant Principal.
The DASA Coordinator District-Wide is Ryan Lanigan, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.