ACL Reduction Strategy 1 - Active Warm-up
A good warm-up is the first step in the ACL reduction program. Guess what, a good warm-up is the first step in any program. A proper warm-up develops single-leg strength, dynamic flexibility, and increases proprioception. The key to the best active warm-up exercises is that they activate one muscle while elongating another.
Reduction Strategy 2 - Develop Stability/Eccentric Strength
If active warm-up is the first step, the development of stability and eccentric strength is the most important step. Most programs concentrate too much on jumping and not enough on hopping. It is critical to understand that a jump and a hop are not the same. The key to injury reduction is developing the ability to land on one leg. Eccentric strength is the ability to land properly.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Reduction Strategy 3 – Strength Development
Stability Ball Hamstring Curl 2x8