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New York State Learning Standards


At Brockport Central School District, our main priority is to remain committed to our students and focus on the holistic development of our students by providing them with a curriculum that is strongly aligned to the New York State Learning Standards. We are committed to providing the highest quality, student-centered instruction that recognizes student strengths and empowers them to become independent learners, critical thinkers and contributing citizens in a global society.

As we engage in regular and ongoing curriculum review, our focus is to adapt curriculum to meet the demands of the revised learning standards and to ensure educational equity and access for all students.

While we continue to audit and further develop our curriculum, the district remains committed to whole child development that is based in equity and inclusion for all to reduce the predictability of who succeeds and who fails. In order to achieve this we are guided by NYSED guidance and frameworks, which include:

1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework and Policy Statement
2. Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
3. Digital Equity
4. Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks

These frameworks do not operate in isolation of one another, but work in tandem to drive our overarching curriculum and instructional practices.