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Update to COVID-19 Testing Options

Posted Date: 04/18/2024

Update to COVID-19 Testing Options

In light of the latest guidance from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), Brockport Central School District will now be accepting at home COVID-19 test results for students with COVID-19 symptoms to return to school. 

Negative test results can be sent to your child's school nurse. For an at home COVID-19 test result to be accepted, a picture of the test result with the student’s name and date administered will need to be emailed to the school nurse. As always, students must be free from fever and vomiting for 24 hours without fever reducing medication and symptoms improving to be able to return to school. 

At home tests can be requested by contacting the main office of your child’s school. Parents can request to pick up tests during the regular school day or a test can be provided to the parent when a child is sent home ill. 

COVID-19 positive test results should continue to be reported to the Monroe County Department of Public Health (MCDOPH) using this link: Test Reporting Form.  Individuals who test positive should continue to follow isolation procedures. If the criteria to return to school after 5 days of isolation has been met, those individuals are still required by the NYSDOH to wear a well-fitting mask for days 6-10. 

School nurse emails are as follows: