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  • Last Updated Date: 01/18/2022

    Adoption Date: 07/19/1994

    Revision History: 6/20/2000; 4/25/06; 10/24/17; 1/18/22

    Administrative evaluations shall take place per directive of the Superintendent of Schools.

    Policy References:

    8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Section 100.2(o)(2)

  • Last Updated Date: 01/18/2022

    Adoption Date: 07/19/1994

    Revision History: 6/20/2000; 10/24/17; 1/18/22

    The Superintendent of Schools shall delegate to another administrator the authority and responsibility for making decisions and taking such actions as may be required during the absence of the Superintendent.

  • Last Updated Date: 01/18/2022

    Adoption Date: 07/19/1994

    Revision History: 6/20/2000; 10/24/17; 1/18/22

    Standing and ad hoc committees may be appointed as needed to study and to recommend courses of action in response to department, building or needs of the Brockport Central School District. These committees may be appointed by the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools or their designee. The composition of each committee shall reflect its purpose and each committee shall have a clear assignment.

  • Last Updated Date: 01/18/2022

    Adoption Date: 07/19/1994

    Revision History: 6/20/2000; 06/02/2015; 10/24/17; 1/18/22

    The Superintendent of Schools shall have the authority set forth in Education Law, including but not limited to:

    1. As chief executive officer of the Brockport Central School District, they shall attend all regular, special, and work meetings of the Board except that the Superintendent may be excluded when their employment contract or performance is discussed in executive session.
    2. Administer all policies and enforce all rules and regulations of the Board.
    3. Review the District and recommend to the Board areas in which new policies seem to be needed.
    4. Shall be responsible for organizing, administering, evaluating, and supervising the programs and personnel of all District buildings and departments, both instructional and non-instructional.
    5. Recommend to the Board the appointment of all instructional and support personnel.
    6. Be responsible for the preparation and recommendation to the Board of the annual District budget in accordance with the format and development plan specified by the Board.
    7. Shall acquaint the public with the activities and needs of the schools through their written and spoken statements, and shall be responsible for all District news releases.
    8. Be responsible for the construction of all salary scales and for the administration of the salary plan approved by the Board.
    9. Determine the need and make plans for plant expansion and renovation.
    10. Be responsible for recommending for hire, evaluating, promoting, and dismissing all professional and non-professional staff personnel.
    11. Plan and coordinate the recruitment of teachers and other staff to assure the District of the best available personnel.
    12. Plan and conduct a program of supervision of teaching staff that will have as its goal the improvement of instruction, and, at the same time, will assure that only highly competent teachers will be recommended for tenure.
    13. When necessary or desirable, transfer such personnel as they anticipate will function more effectively in other positions. These transfers shall be made within the guidelines of state laws, District policies and negotiated contracts.
    14. Work with the Board and staff to develop long range plans and strategies of the District.
    15. Submit the data from the School Report Card and/or other such reports of student/District performance as prescribed by and in accordance with requirements of the Commissioner of Education.

    Policy References:

    Education Law Sections 1711 and 3003 8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Section 100.2(m)

  • Last Updated Date: 01/18/2022

    Adoption Date: 07/19/1994

    Revision History: 6/20/2000; 06/02/2015; 10/24/17; 1/18/22

    The Board of Education is accountable for all pursuits, achievements and duties of the Brockport Central School District. The Board's specific role is to deliberate and to establish policies for the organization. The Board delegates the necessary authority to the Superintendent of Schools who, acting as chief executive officer, is held accountable to the Board for compliance with its policies.

    1. With respect to District's Strategic Plan, the Board may establish broad guidelines to be observed in the development of further policy and action.
    2. Generally, the Superintendent will be empowered to assign and use resources; employ, promote, discipline and deploy staff; to translate policies of the Board into action; to speak as agent of the Board; to organize and delegate administrative responsibilities; and to exercise such other powers as are customary for chief executives.
    3. The Superintendent may not perform, cause, or allow to be performed any act that is unlawful, in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics; in violation of any contract into which the Board has entered; or, in violation of policies adopted by the Board.
    4. Should the Superintendent or their designee consider it unwise or impractical to comply with an explicit Board policy, the Superintendent will inform the Board of that determination. The Board will decide whether such judgment was warranted.
    5. The Superintendent shall continually strive to distinguish for all concerned between the Board the areas of policy decisions appropriate to the Board and management decisions appropriate to the District's administrative personnel.